One DirectionはGay Friendlyなアイドルグループ?

by - 7/07/2012

日本での8月のデビューに向けて、One Directionの人気はますます上がってきていますか?
私のブログはOne Directionの記事が1番人気。

確かTake ThatのWikiに書いてあったよ。


Take That - Do What You Like 
Take That Featuring Lulu;John Noyce - Relight My Fire

One Directionはまだ若いし、セクシーを売りにしてないのでAttitudeの表紙はやってないけど。

One Directionにもいろんなパターンの組合せがあって、1番有名なのはメイン・ボーカルのHarryと最年長のLouisの2人。
向こうの子たちはカップルの名前をくっつけて呼ぶので、彼らはLarry Stylinson。


そういうお国柄で育ったからか、One DirectionはGay Friendlyなグループだと思う。

Justin Bieber. Douche.
「ジャスティンってお子ちゃまよね。若いファンのロールモデルには向いてないわ。One Directionの方がもっといいわよ。彼らはゲイじゃないけど、LGBTをサポートしているし、その話題に抵抗を持っていない」って書き込みがいくつかありました。

He does not support women's rights or LGBT rights. He's an asshole and a fundie. He's a spoiled brat.. ugh. You know.. One Direction is the new big thing.. yes, it is childish, and yes, the fandom is full of 15 year olds, but I think the One Direction boys are much healthier role models for little kids today than Bieber, at least One Direction are gay friendly, and Harry Styles is outspoken of LGBT rights. Hell.. half the fandom is made up of gay and lesbian teenagers. It's refreshing to see actually.
I just don't think this obsession the teenage girls have with Bieber is healthy. Like what is he teaching them? That abortion is wrong, no matter what? that we're not all equal, and that LGBT people don't deserve the same rights as everyone else? This is not good, not at all. Whether you like him or not, the fact is that he has major influence, and a lot of people listen to him. Young teenage girls are very impressionable, and it's fairly easy to tell them what to think and believe, especially coming from someone as powerful as Justin Bieber.
he feels threatened by them. You can say what you want about One Direction.. yes, they were created by Simon Cowell, and yes, they are your typical boy band. But so much separates these guys from the douche Bieber. At least the guys in One Direction are talented, they can actually sing. They are also very gay friendly, and Harry Styles (the most popular guy in the band) is very outspoken of LGBT rights. They also appreciate their fans, and are grateful, like genuinely grateful for everything. They really are great guys. Basically, they're very healthy role models. Of course they're guys, and horny, and well.. they have said some things that 11 year olds probably shouldn't hear, lol... like changing of lyrics on tour to "different dick every night". But still.. compared to Bieber I'd much prefer young impressionable girls to listen to One Direction than that douche. At least One Direction are not homophobic. I was gonna post an interview that is fairly new, where they talk about how much One Direction appreciates ALL fans, whatever their sexuality is, bi, gay, lesbian or whatever.. that doesn't matter.. but I couldn't find it unfortunately. I'm pretty sure the interviewer who interviewed them was lesbian btw.. she was fierce, I liked her a lot. But back on topic.. these guys are great role models, and the complete opposite of Bieber.
Don't you get that his "but I've never been in that position" just gives him a way out? Why can't he come right out and say it? why can't he support lgbt rights? why does he think homosexuality is a CHOICE? we have so many straight allies today, every single one of those are, as the name says, straight, but they still support lgbt rights. They have no idea what it means to be queer either, yet they still support us, because they know that the only right thing is to support equality, because people do not choose to be gay. So excuse me if I don't buy his bullshit "but" speech. It's ridiculous. So what if he isn't gay? so what if he isn't a woman? how the hell does that even matter? so the fact that he's not a woman means that it's ok to be against abortion? lol. many men support abortion, yet they have no idea of what it means to be a woman either. His excuses are just a way out, so he would be seen as slightly less ignorant and stupid. Too bad I can see through his BS. He's a fundie freak and an ignorant little prick, with a hugely inflated ego. Why support him when we can support so many better musicians today? He's dangerous for kids. I actually find it quite disgusting to think about how much power this little prick has, and with those views.. yikes. He's dangerous for kids today. I just hope some of these kids can think for themselves, or better yet.. start following someone who isn't actually homophobic, but who actively support gay rights, like One Direction.

ジャスティン・ビーバーは、Rolling Stoneの記事で、同性愛とか中絶に関してどう思う?という質問に、あまりにもよくあるキリスト教徒らしい答えだったのが、批判されてる。
私は、これはこれで正直な答えなんだなと思ったけど、確かにレディ・ガガみたいに積極的にそういう話をする人もいるから(年が違うけど) 今のPOP界の影響力でいったら、もっと頑張って欲しいって思っちゃうのかも。

それでは、One DirectionのGay Friendlyなところをいくつか紹介します。

One Direction perform at GAY nightclub in London – Watch video of Rihanna cover 
ロンドンのSOHOにあるゲイクラブでライブをしたOne Direction。
デビューシングル「What Makes You Beautiful」や、X-Factorで歌った歌を披露した模様。あと、誕生日が近かったNiallのためにケーキも登場。それでFood Fightして床はぐちゃぐちゃ。Harryはすべって転ぶし。

The Drums Jonathan Pierce talks about his night with Harry Styles
Le Bainという有名なクラブのZigZagというGay Friendlyなパーティでの1コマ。
右側に座って一緒に写っているのはThe DrumsのボーカルJonathan。彼はゲイだと公表している。

Scissor Sisters interview
さらには、メンバーがほぼゲイのScissor SistersのPV撮影現場にも出現したHarry。

Nick Grimshaw
イギリスのTVやラジオのパーソナリティをやっていて、Alexa ChungやPixie Geldofなどと仲良し。あと、Harryと元付き合っていたというCaroline Flackともね。ロンドンのクラブシーンやゲイシーンに詳しいだろう彼との付き合いがHarryにも影響していると思う。

"That Makes you Homosexual"


でも、One Directionは若いのに本当に頑張ってると思う。
Aaron Carter(懐かしい!転落アイドル。好きだったのに)から、Twitter上で「マネージャーの言うこと聞くように!」ってアドバイスもらったそうだけど、若いとどうしてもテンションあがっちゃったりしそうなところを、彼らはすごく冷静に丁寧に仕事している感じ。

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